On 8.12. the Bonn St. Nicholas Run will take place again in the Rheinaue. In the FunRun you can decide for yourself whether you want to run one (3.4km), two (6.7km) or three laps (10km). In the SpeedRun you run 10km and in the Nikoläuschenlauf (JG14 and younger) you run just under 1,000m. We will be there again as a partner and look forward to seeing many of you there!
We traditionally end the year with a small Christmas party as part of our Community Run. After the run, there is a sociable get-together with mulled wine, cookies and, of course, a prize draw for the prizes for your diligent participation throughout the year. Register now! Your team from Absolute Run - Laufladen Bonn
As usual, the New Year's Eve run organized by us closes the running year in Bonn! You can start over 5 or 10km. There is also an offer for the Bambinis. Here you can register directly: Bonner Silvesterlauf, 31.12.2024 : : my.race|result